Acrodyne Services is now supplying itsPROGIRA plan broadcast network planning software, with ATSC 3.0 and 1.0 options, to Kessler and Gehman Associates (KGA) and Meintel, Sgrignoli and Wallace (MSW), two more companies in the U.S. using the product.
Representatives of both companies recently completed a four-day training session with PROGIRA executive Mats Ek and Acrodyne’s Bill Soreth in Baltimore. “As more and more Broadcasters make plans to launch ATSC 3.0, the need for an effective solution to predict true reception probabilities throughout a service area has become paramount,” said Andy Whiteside, General Manager of Acrodyne Services and President of Dielectric.
ATSC 3.0 has much more flexibility than ATSC 1.0 to select signal configurations to suit multiple end use cases with different reception robustness, he notes. The software, which includes CRC-Predict, and other propagation models, has proven to be more realistic in predicting field strength. It can also be used to evaluate reception probability for a variety of receive conditions, including fixed, mobile and indoor situations, from a conventional single stick broadcast facility or a Single Frequency Network (SFN)