On Wednesday, August 28, 2019, from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Eastern Time, the Incentive Auction Task Force and the Media Bureau will host a webinar outlining procedures for reimbursing low power television (LPTV), television translator, and FM broadcast stations from the TV Broadcaster Relocation Fund (Fund) for costs incurred as a result of the post-incentive auction broadcast transition.[1]

Topics covered will include filing FCC Form 2100, Schedule 399 (Reimbursement Form), including the certification demonstrating that an entity meets the eligibility criteria for reimbursement (Eligibility Certification); providing estimates of reimbursable costs; submitting invoices for actual expenses incurred; an overview of the allocation and payment processes; and additional topics related to the reimbursement process.

To join the webinar online:

  1. Click here or copy the link in the footnote[2] below and paste it into your browser.
  2. Click on “Join”
  3. Enter your name and email address

During the event, those watching the live video stream will be able to email event-related questions that staff will address at the conclusion of the webinar.  After the event, a recording of the webinar will be available for streaming.  A link to the recording will be available at https://www.fcc.gov/about-fcc/fcc-initiatives/incentive-auctions/resources under the Education tab.

Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request.  Include a description of the accommodation you will need and tell us how to contact you if we need more information.  Make your request as early as possible; although last-minute requests will be accepted we may not be able to implement late requests.  Send an email to fcc504@fcc.gov or call the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202) 418-0530 (voice), (202) 418-0432 (TTY).

For additional information on this proceeding, please contact Charles Eberle at Charles.Eberle@fcc.gov or 202-418-2248.

[1] See The Incentive Auction Task Force and Media Bureau Announce Reimbursement Form Availability and Filing Deadline and Procedures for Reimbursement of Lower Power TV, TV Translator, and FM Stations, Public Notice, DA 19-774 (MB rel. Aug. 15, 2019); see also LPTV, TV Translator, and FM Broadcast Station Reimbursement; Expanding the Economic and Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum Through Incentive Auctions, Report and Order, 34 FCC Rcd 1690 (2019).

[2] https://fccevents.webex.com/mw3300/mywebex/default.do?service=1&siteurl=fccevents&nomenu=true&main_url=%2Fmc3300%2Fe.do%3Fsiteurl%3Dfccevents%26AT%3DMI%26EventID%3D867789942%26UID%3D8617423397%26Host%3DQUhTSwAAAAS8jTWEzQY300Fv_0Mdnfijo8bjtLscjuFnkW0uwijtrPQkaribPPpC2HmBUX5qkrWeGwKAFl8U-wnUhpKWmV8j0%26FrameSet%3D2%26MTID%3Dm54a7d79e6985e16297cb5a941501f1dd