You’re Invited to a NextGen TV Reception
March 10, 2022 6-8 PM
Gaylord Opryland Delta Ballroom B, Nashville TN
ARK Multicasting is inviting the industry to come get a sneak peak at what they are accomplishing with Trinity Broadcasting Network, and to show you how they are doing it with the solutions provided by Hewlett Packard Enterprise (“HPE”). The next generation of television is here. It is called ATSC 3.0 or NextGenTV and is currently being deployed throughout the United States. Christian TV broadcasters have an enormous opportunity for new datacasting revenue streams without sacrificing existing ministry efforts. In this reception, you will have the opportunity to meet and mingle with the Christian Television community and hear directly from ARK, TBN, and HPE as they walk you through a live demonstration of the possible.
Hosted by Lee Miller Executive Director of the Advanced Television Broadcasting Alliance (ATBA)