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FCC Adopts Amendments to LPTV and TV Translator Rules

FCC Adopts Amendments to LPTV and TV Translator Rules

The FCC unanimously passed an order regarding un update of the rules for low-power TV and translators Today, as noted in the Daily Digest. However, the item originally on Thursday’s FCC open meeting agenda has been removed, according to their website.

For the most part, the suggestions from the ATBA were accepted as were the agreements to policies the ATBA put forward.

The order reflects the digital transition, station identification requirements and a minor permit requirement for LPTV station relocation.

An idea presented by the LPTVBA to change “low-power television” with “local power television” was said by the FCC that it would only create more confusion in the rules.

In addition, the FCC update land mobile radio protection guidance with contemporary coordinates and call signs assignments. The commission expressed hope these changes will make their regulations easier to comprehend by all parties involved.

Read the full FCC document here.