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Lee Miller

Lee Miller

Michigan Rep Calls for Incentive Auction Hearing

Rep. Hansen Clarke (D-Mich.) says that insuring that broadcasters retain their coverage areas after the FCC reclaims spectrum and repacks stations in incentive auctions...

Eliminate Broadcasting, Put Content Online, Says U.K.’s House of Lords

Recommendation part of National Broadband Plan LONDON: U.S. broadcasters are not alone when it comes to facing displacement by wireless services. The United Kingdom’s House...

Is Congress Waking Up?

August 1, 2012 - A bright light is emerging from Congress as a bipartisan group of members are calling again for a spectrum inventory...

Spectrum Inventory Bill Re-Introduced

WASHINGTON: U.S. Sens. Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) and Mark Warner (D-Va.) have re-introduced legislation to inventory the airwaves. The pair have resurrected the...

What spectrum crunch?

The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology issued a major report this month recommending to President Barack Obama that he direct the...

PCAST report concludes spectrum scarcity ‘an illusion’

Contrary to commonly accepted wisdom, there is no scarcity of spectrum, and any shortage is “an illusion” created by how the federal government manages...

Pai Concerned About Where FCC Is Headed on ‘Big Issues’

He may be in the minority, but new Republican FCC commissioner Ajit Pai has some major changes he would like to see the FCC make....

‘Complete Chaos’ Predicted if TV Repack is Done Right After Auctions

WASHINGTON: Repacking 1,800 full-power TV stations into 40 percent less spectrum in three years will be chaotic if there’s no planning period after incentive...

NAB says FCC must go to bat for over-air viewers

It’s one thing to make room for more wireless broadband services, said NAB President/CEO Gordon Smith in a letter to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski....

NTA working to extend LPTV and Translator upgrade program

On 7/2 the National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA) will cease accepting any further applications for reimbursement under its rebate program. As a result, hundreds of rural broadcasters and millions of people in small communities will be affected. Millions of families who rely on local television for news, entertainment, and education are at risk of losing access to free over the air television. With over $22 million of funds still available in this critical government reimbursement program, there is more than enough money left to provide full access to all Americans. So the National Translator Association (NTA) is working to extend the program by two years and ensure viewers will not lose access to one of their key means of communication. Initiated and leveraged through the NTIA division of the Department of Commerce, the Low-Power Television and Translator Upgrade Program reimburses the eligible costs to upgrade analog low power television broadcast stations, Class A television stations, television translator stations, and television booster stations in rural communities to digital transmission. Through the work and dedication of the NTIA, more than 1,000 eligible broadcasters have been able to secure up to $20,000 of government funding for low power digital broadcast equipment. This has enabled millions to have access to Digital TV. However, with the program coming to an end on 7/2, NTA is asking for support and action to extend access to the grant and ensure equal access to Digital TV for all viewers. This is not about allocating more funds; it is simply about extending the deadline to allow broadcasters to apply for the available funds. For more info, contact NTA or visit their website: www.tvfmtranslators.com LARCAN is also offering support. Contact Paul Phillips, Sales Manager 303-665-8000 [email protected] Source: http://rbr.com/nta-working-to-extend-lptv-and-translator-upgrade-program/