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Lee Miller

Lee Miller

Washington State Reps. Seek FCC Info on Spectrum Border Issues

Add a trio of Washington State Democratic House members to those concerned about border issues and the FCC's incentive auctions. The FCC will need...

FCC Watch: What’s Happening In Washington

Here's a quick briefing on the FCC proceedings affecting broadcasters from communications attorneys David Oxenford and David O'Connor. The topics: CALM Act ... Class...

FCC Names Chief Economist

FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski Thursday announced that Steven Wildman, an economist and professor at Michigan State University has been named chief economist, succeeding Marius...

Year in Review: FCC incentive auction and repacking

Less than a year after TV broadcasters completed the analog shutdown and, as a result, returned 108 MHz of spectrum for wireless broadband and...

Will LPTV survive after spectrum auctions?

The Advanced Television Broadcasting Alliance says LPTV and translator operators must be protected. Is there a future for LPTV? It’s a question even being asked...

FCC Gets Earful From House on Spectrum of Issues

House Energy and Commerce Committee members came prepared with a boatload of questions for the five FCC commissioners in a Wednesday hearing on the...

HTSC: Don’t Forget Government Spectrum

In advance of a Hill hearing on the FCC's incentive spectrum auctions slated for Wednesday, Dec. 11, computer companies reminded both the House and...

Is A “Dongle” On Your Holiday Wish List This Year?

The holiday season is officially upon us! Before you pack up the kids to go over the mountain and through the woods to grandma’s...

It’s not necessarily lights for LPTV

We’ve watched the FCC move rule-neglecting Class A television stations down to the lower-grade LPTV status during the course of 2012, suggesting that LPTVs...

Report: Sprint, Dish held talks on spectrum-hosting deal

Sprint Nextel (NYSE:S) and Dish Network, which are battling each other at the FCC over technical issues related to Dish's satellite spectrum, held talks...