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Lee Miller

Lee Miller

Amplifying Your Signal: Innovative Promotional Strategies for Local Television Stations

 by Lee Miller, ATBA Executive Director In the dynamic world of broadcasting, local television stations occupy a unique niche, forging deep connections with their communities....

ATBA to be part of TV Industry Reception at NRB

The Advanced Television Broadcasting Alliance will be one of the host of the NextGen TV Industry Reception being planned for National Religious Broadcasters Convention...

See You at NAB Join us for Low Power TV Day...

The Advanced Television Broadcasting Alliance will host LPTV Day during the 2024 National Association of Broadcasters Convention in Las Vegas on Monday, April 15, 2024....

Nationwide EAS and WEA Tests Coming October 4, 2023

On October 4, 2023, at 2:20 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)...

FCC’s New LPTV/Translator Rules are in Effect: What You Need to...

On June 12, 2023, a number of updates to the FCC’s LPTV and TV translator rules took effect. The rules were adopted in an...

ATSC 3.0 Low Power Television Test Site Announced

RAPA (Korea Radio Promotion Association) and PMVG (Public Media Venture Group) are pleased to announce a two-year collaborative effort to explore and implement various...

Ark Multicasting Wins NRB Station of the Year

Joshua Weiss from Ark Multicasting received on Monday the National Religious Broadcasters Television Station of the Year for LPTV Station K26KC-D.  Weiss also serves at...

NRB Convention: ATBA Reception Wednesday Night

The Advanced Television Broadcasting Alliance will host the LPTV/OTT Industry Reception at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention at the Orlando World Center Marriot, Chicago...

NRB Convention: Workshop – New Revenue Opportunities for Christian Broadcasters...

The new broadcast standard of NextGen TV, otherwise known as ATSC 3.0, has been overtaking the broadcast television industry. It can nevertheless be difficult...

FCC Commissioner Simington: “We Can Do More” for ATSC 3.0

LAS VEGAS—In a wide ranging speech at the 2023 NAB Show, FCC commissioner Nathan Simington complained that power brokers in Washington have an antiquated...